Liquor Interior 〜 English version

I introduce the liquor which a decoration can enjoy

The beauty of Japan

It is the design bottle of the port town of Japan ♪

The ocean is so wide and so big ♪ Hello and is time of the liquor interior! It is sudden, but I have a dream having one boarding a sailing boat.But it is reality not to be able to readily get on (it can get on with a ferry).Therefore I int…

Whiskey of Mount Fuji comes!

I introduce Japanese whiskey to be able to be proud of to the world this time. "Hibiki 21years Ishou bottle" right reflects "the beauty of Japan" to a bottle. サントリー 響 21年 意匠ボトル2015 富士風雲図 43度 700ml 出版社/メーカー: サント…

The Moon Princess? No, it is shochu.

I introduce the shochu called very rare liquor "Satsuma Okina" (Satsuma old man) this time. This is it. ふしぎな竹酒「薩摩翁」 出版社/メーカー: 平和酒造 メディア: この商品を含むブログを見る Liquor flows from bamboo! It is real shochu sold …

The liquor which I want to display in the Japanese-style room.

You will feel the beauty of Japan this time! This is the liquor that the label of the Japanese design is excellent. ★御歳暮・御祝・御礼・感謝・お誕生日★《おすすめ秋冬スペシャルギフト!》【八木酒造】花札の梅酒ギフト 720mlx3本セット~「感謝」…